Network GOALS!!!

A cell phone is a wonderful invention and makes it very easy to conduct business from virtually anywhere, speak to anyone at any time without any geographical constraints and can help you with almost anything. However, if your phone is not connected to a network, that little piece of gold in your hand can perform […]

Perfectionism OUT!!!

When was the last time you did an AUDIT of your time?  What exactly are you spending this precious commodity on?  This is a very worthwhile exercise and you’ll be surprised to see how much time you devote to unimportant things.  Social media is probably one of the biggest time wasters. It’s important to be aware of the things you spend your time on.

Maximize your time

When was the last time you did an AUDIT of your time?  What exactly are you spending this precious commodity on?  This is a very worthwhile exercise and you’ll be surprised to see how much time you devote to unimportant things.  Social media is probably one of the biggest time wasters. It’s important to be aware of the things you spend your time on.

Routines will make your “world” go round

Once I realised that routine, “a series of actions followed often”, didn’t necessarily mean that everything had to take place at the same time and in the same order each time, routine took on a whole new meaning.

Are you a TEAM player?

Like most other couples, Wikus and I were head over heels in love during the early days of our relationship.  Those were the days when you could live on air and simply wanted to spend every waking moment with each other and being together.  Nothing else mattered.  Time stood still.  Under the heady influence of […]

Who do you need in your TRIBE

I love watching Survivor.  From the comfort of my couch, I believe that I will do quite well in this reality show. The one thing that always brings me to my senses very quickly, is the idea that you have to stab the other players or “tribe members” in the back to finally win.  I […]

“Jack of all trades”

We all have preconceived ideas and perceptions about other people, situations and even about ourselves.  A preconceived idea is an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence.  It is when we believe something to be true before really knowing that it is. We mostly want the perceptions that others have of us to be positive.  We […]

Introducing wonder woman

I have been blessed throughout my life with amazing people that taught me, believed in me and shaped the person I am today.  One of the most important influences I’ve ever had and never really realised until only recently was my grandmother.  Martha Elizabeth Eloff – or as we called her “Ouma Toitjie”. With the […]

In pursuit of excellence

A few years ago I participated in Mrs. South-Africa. It was an amazing and eye opening journey, one that lead me to understand, love and respect myself on a whole other level. It made me challenge my beliefs and brought me to a place where I could re-discover parts of myself that was long forgotten. […]

Progress over perfection

One thing that seems to be birthed into little boys is the primitive instinct to want to WIN.  To make sure they arise the victor in well, anything and everything they do. We have two preschool boys and in our home the contests ranges from who runs the quickest, who farts the loudest (cringe!!!) to […]